Atlanta Gas Light is hosting a Clean Cities-Georgia and Natural Gas Association of Georgia workshop on Natural Gas Vehicles and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). Please join us to hear how sourcing RNG for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles and commercial/industrial thermal energy requirements can help your organization reduce operating costs and achieve its sustainability goals.
Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols will open the event and speakers will be on hand from NGVAmerica, Cummins, Agility, Freightliner, Kenworth, UPS, DeKalb County and other organizations that fuel their vehicles with compressed natural gas. We will cover the latest in natural gas engine technology, available CNG vehicles, CNG fueling infrastructure and funding opportunities. The event includes lunch and vehicles on display, as well as a fueling demonstration at our onsite CNG fueling station. After lunch, the Natural Gas Association of Georgia will present an overview of RNG and the results of a RNG Thermal Demand Study which has recently been conducted here in Georgia.